Sweet Mfg Large Power Steering Control Valve 0.265 Torsion 3/4-30 Spline To Driver 3/4-48 To Rack
Sweet Manufacturing's standard servo control valve for power steering. For use with rack and pinions that utilize integrated servos such as Howe Performance, Fortin Racing and Sweet Manufacturing.
If you're trying to replace a servo already on your car/truck/vehicle, if you look carefully at the old servo, Sweet always engraves the torsion bar size into the control valve. The thicker the torsion bar the stiffer your steering will feel. The thinner the torsion bar is, the softer/easier your steering will feel.
There are four fittings on the control valve. Each fitting has a letter engraved next to it. At the bottom of this page are pictures.
If you're trying to replace a servo already on your car/truck/vehicle, if you look carefully at the old servo, Sweet always engraves the torsion bar size into the control valve. The thicker the torsion bar the stiffer your steering will feel. The thinner the torsion bar is, the softer/easier your steering will feel.
- 0.185 XX-Light Steering
- 0.200 X-Light
- 0.210 Light
- 0.220 Light
- 0.235 Medium/Light
- 0.250 Medium
- 0.265 Medium
- 0.275 Medium/Heavy
- 0.300 Heavy
- P = AN #6 Fitting that comes from the power steering pump
- T = AN #8 Fitting that returns from the control valve back to the reservoir tank
- L = AN #6 Fitting that goes to left side of power steering ram
- R = AN #6 Fitting that goes to right side of power steering ram
Sweet Manufacturing's standard servo control valve for power steering. For use with rack and pinions that utilize integrated servos such as Howe Performance, Fortin Racing and Sweet Manufacturing.
If you're trying to replace a servo already on your car/truck/vehicle, if you look carefully at the old servo, Sweet always engraves the torsion bar size into the control valve. The thicker the torsion bar the stiffer your steering will feel. The thinner the torsion bar is, the softer/easier your steering will feel.
There are four fittings on the control valve. Each fitting has a letter engraved next to it. At the bottom of this page are pictures.
If you're trying to replace a servo already on your car/truck/vehicle, if you look carefully at the old servo, Sweet always engraves the torsion bar size into the control valve. The thicker the torsion bar the stiffer your steering will feel. The thinner the torsion bar is, the softer/easier your steering will feel.
- 0.185 XX-Light Steering
- 0.200 X-Light
- 0.210 Light
- 0.220 Light
- 0.235 Medium/Light
- 0.250 Medium
- 0.265 Medium
- 0.275 Medium/Heavy
- 0.300 Heavy
- P = AN #6 Fitting that comes from the power steering pump
- T = AN #8 Fitting that returns from the control valve back to the reservoir tank
- L = AN #6 Fitting that goes to left side of power steering ram
- R = AN #6 Fitting that goes to right side of power steering ram