Sweet Mfg New Style 3 Or 6 Bolt Steering Wheel Quick Release Stub 3-7/16" Long For 3/4 Inch Shaft
Originally on Sweet's 3 bolt steering wheel quick releases they used a 3 inch stub. The 6 bolt steering wheel quick release used a 3-7/16 stub. Eventually Sweet changed the design on the 3 bolt hub to use the same stub for the 3 bolt quick release as the 6 bolt quick release. If you're replacing the stub the easiest way to tell the difference is to look at the top of the quick release where the snap ring is at. If you have the old style you'll have to cut this stub down. See below photograph

Originally on Sweet's 3 bolt steering wheel quick releases they used a 3 inch stub. The 6 bolt steering wheel quick release used a 3-7/16 stub. Eventually Sweet changed the design on the 3 bolt hub to use the same stub for the 3 bolt quick release as the 6 bolt quick release. If you're replacing the stub the easiest way to tell the difference is to look at the top of the quick release where the snap ring is at. If you have the old style you'll have to cut this stub down. See below photograph